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Klein - Marked Tee

Klein - Marked Tee

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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  • I know you are a good person

    And that’s why you’re here

    The sublimated tee of the Marked album cover is here and this a symbol of true neek culture.

     The fact that you can wear this and be a like’ wow i’m a neek nerd’ but also be a person who is changing and growing. A brand new day is coming where you can be yourself and express your true self without fear of judgement or ridicule.

    I believe that this Marked T-shirt makes you feel confident, happy and secure in your own skin. We know that we can't change the world, but we also know that we can change ourselves and make it better by being ourselves!

    Buying this tee makes you official a street team leader and you’re own #bo$$

    this Marked T-shirt is meant to be worn during:


    Break ups


    Business deals

    Pre drinks

    © Parkwuud Entertainment

Shipping Time: Ships the first week of February 2025.

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